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Floating Flower Vase | 水に浮かぶ一輪挿し

Floating Flower Vase | 水に浮かぶ一輪挿し

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Regular price £9.50
Regular price £12.00 Sale price £9.50
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Floating Vase "RIPPLE" is a floating vase that allows you to enjoy the beauty of flowers in a new way. The vase is made of polypropylene and has a flower petal-shaped design. To use, simply fill a container with water and place the vase in the water. The vase will float on the surface of the water, creating the illusion that the flowers are floating on the water.

Size φ 50mm × 20mm

日本語 JPN

|Floating Vase RIPPLE は、水に浮かぶ花瓶です。水面に浮かぶ花びらの形をした花瓶に、1輪の花を挿して使用します。水を張った容器に花瓶を浮かべると、まるで水面に花が浮いているかのような幻想的な雰囲気を楽しむことができます。
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