Recipe|Salmon Cha-duke

Recipe|Salmon Cha-duke



Ingredients - Grilled Salmon

  • Salmon 1-2
  • Soy sauce, Mirin, Sake ( 1: 1 : 1 )
  • Salt

Ingredients - Topping

  • SAEMIDORI  by EN the tea
  • Shiro-Dashi or Dashi soy sauce
  • Spring Onionn, Seaweed  *any you like





1. Prepare - Cut sping onions.

Wash and wipe the salmons by kitchen rolls (It can remove fish odor)


Add 3 seasonings (Soy sauce, Mirin, Sake) to salmons, and wrap the bowl and keep it 45 min in fridge.

2. Bake - Place the salmon in a tray

Bake in the oven at 200° for 10 minutes.

3. Toppings - Place the flaked salmon on top of the warm rice.

4. Pour in Green tea flavored with Shiro-dashi or Dashi soy sauce.


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